'Peter, what is it?'
'I was just thinking' he said, a little scared.'It is only make-believe, isn't it, that I am their father?'
'Oh, yes' Wendy said primly.
'You see', he continued apologetically, 'it would make me seem so old to be their real father'.
'But their ours, Peter, yours & mine'.
'But not really, Wendy?'.
'Not if you don't wish it' she replied ; and she distinctly heard his sigh of relief.'Peter', she asked, trying to speak firmly ,' what are your exact feelings for me?'
'Those of a devoted son, Wendy'.
'I thought so', she said, and went and sat by herself at the extreme end of the room.
'You are so queer' he said, franky puzzled, 'and Tiger Lily is just the same.There is something she wants to be to me, but she says it is not my mother'.
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